Sell used CompAir compressors

Stefan Walser
Simply enter the data of your used CompAir compressor in the form. Our purchase offer will then be calculated automatically. Stefan Walser
Purchasing Manager

Selling your CompAir compressor is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

Why should you sell your CompAir compressor to us?

You can sell your used compressor in just a few simple steps, avoiding time-consuming organisational work and the hassle of having to renegotiate. With our price calculator, you receive a fair purchase price in line with the market with just a few clicks and you can be sure of a reliable sales partner. We stand for integrity, quality and professional service - the ultimate synergy for an uncomplicated transaction, from the offer to the collection.

To make the procedure for selling your used CompAir compressor as easy as possible, we are here to answer any questions or individual concerns you may have. Simply get in touch with us - we look forward to hearing from you.

Who is behind belongs to the DUP group, Europe's largest dealer for stationary lubricated and oil-free screw compressors, rotary compressors, refrigerated dryers and desiccant dryers. Active in buying and selling used compressors in around 100 countries all over the world, our company has, over the past three decades, built up a established a name as an authority in the field.

Enjoying an excellent reputation far beyond Austria’s borders, our company is synonymous with supreme quality, expertise and competence, and reliability, integrity and fairness are at the core of what we do. If you sell your CompAir compressor to us, we’ll offer you a fair price, a straightforward transaction and reliability at every step, from the transfer of your money, to the collection of your used equipment. Request a non-binding quote for your used Atlas Copco compressor then simply get in touch with us for a trouble-free sale with peace of mind.